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Washington Railroad History Dates !

Railroad History Dates For:

1850s & 1860s.                 1870s.                 1880s.

1890s.                              1900s.                  1910s.

1920s.                              1930s.                 1940s.

1950s.                              1960s.                 1970s.

All Washington Railroad History Dates Were Resourced From The Following Books:

Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest: Carlos A. Schwantes.

Orphan Road: Kurt E. Armbruster.

Across The Columbia Plain: Peter J. Lewty.

The Northwest's Own Railway: Walter R Grande.

When Steam Railroads Electrified: William D. Middleton.

The Great Northern Railway: Charles & Dorothy Wood.

The Fourth Corner: Lelah Jackson Edson.

Rails Across The Cascades: Eva Anderson.

The Everett & Monte Cristo Railway: Woodhouse, Jacobson, Petersen.

David D. Clarke 1864 - 1920: David D. Clarke.

Smoke Along The Columbia: James L. Ehernberger & Francis G. Gschwind.

Shaping Spokane: John Fahey.

To The Columbia Gateway: Peter J. Lewty.

The Northern Pacific Railroad Data Tables: Louis T. Rentz.

Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History: Donald B. Robertson.

North Bank Road: Walter R. Gaertner.

Union Pacific Northwest: Jeff Asay.

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